On Wednesday night, an unknown person attacked the house of Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan located on the 12th floor of Satguru Sharan building in Bandra, Mumbai. This attack took place outside the room of Saif’s younger son Jeh. In this attack, Saif was stabbed in 6 places (Saif Ali Khan knife attack). He was immediately admitted to Lilavati Hospital in Bandra, where he underwent surgery. Doctors at Lilavati Hospital said that Saif is out of danger after emergency surgery. But the question is how did the attacker enter the building, up to the 11th floor and Saif’s house? Mumbai Police is investigating every aspect to find answers to all these questions. Officials suspect that the accused who attacked Saif had complete knowledge of the premises. This is the reason why he used the stairs to reach the 11th floor. Let us tell you that the Bandra Police is questioning two persons doing flooring work on the roof of actor Saif Ali Khan’s house. Investigation is also being done to find out whether the persons working on the roof of the actor’s house have any connection with the incident.
The attacker (Saif Ali Khan knife attack) was last seen running on the sixth floor of the building
According to the information received, the suspected attacker (Saif Ali Khan knife attack) was last seen running on the sixth floor of the building and was not captured in the CCTV cameras of the lobby while entering or exiting. It seems that the suspect used the stairs to descend to the sixth floor, where he was captured in a camera installed by a resident outside his flat. After the sixth floor, the suspect was not seen anywhere, nor was he caught exiting through the main entrance. According to Mumbai Police sources, the police suspect that the accused used the shaft again to reach the ground floor and exited through the back door, which was not in the range of CCTV cameras.
Read Also:- Actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked, admitted to Lilavati Hospital
Police has formed more than 20 teams to catch the attacker
Meanwhile, to trace and catch the attacker (Saif Ali Khan knife attack), the police has not only formed more than 20 teams but is also using its network of informers to search for him. Police is investigating the CCTV footage of the building. Officials said that the face of the suspect youth is clearly visible in the CCTV footage of 2.33 am. Police said that “he is seen wearing a brown collared T-shirt and a red gamchha while descending the stairs on the sixth floor of the building.”