These days, many Bollywood films are being released on the big screen. Meanwhile, the trailer of Shahid Kapoor starrer Deva has also been released. Watching the trailer, it can be easily guessed that the film is full of action, thriller and drama. On the other hand, movie lovers are reminded of Kabir Singh’s action by watching the trailer of ‘Deva’. Shahid Kapoor will be seen playing the role of a cop in the film.
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Shahid Kapoor plays the lead role
In the trailer, Shahid’s Deva is shown in a very dangerous way, whose only purpose in life is freedom. The trailer begins with Deva explaining how it all began. The audience is told how Deva lost his brother to the ‘system’ when someone shot him during a function as a child. As the trailer progresses, we see Deva doing his arbitrariness and killing people in the name of justice. In one of the scenes, Deva’s seniors ask him if he is a “cop or mafia” while talking about an article. In the very next scene, we see Deva telling a goon ‘I am… a mafia’.
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#ShahidKapoor #DevaTrailer #FilmDeva