Bollywood actors Ali Fazal and Richa Chadha have turned producers for the 2024 Sundance Film Festival award-winning film, Girls Will Be Girls. Though he has time and again impressed the audience with his acting skills, when he launched his home production, he was expected to deliver a real cinematic experience. The creators and actors of Girls Will Be Girls have come up with intense and watchable material for the main role. The film has won accolades at various film festivals and is now available on Amazon Prime.
The story of the film revolves around a class 12 student Meera, played by Preeti Panigrahi. Meera becomes the head prefect of her school and feels affection for Sri, played by Keshav Binoy. Shri has returned to India after three years in Hong Kong. Meera’s mother Anila, played by Kani Kusruti, is an alumnus of the same school and wants her daughter to focus on her studies. Meera’s relationship with her boyfriend Sree becomes complicated as Sree also becomes a friend of her mother. ‘Girls will be girls’ reflects the changes in the relationship between mother and daughter. The film will also be known for showing teenage romance with utmost beauty and realism.
The strongest link of the film is its actors who have performed excellently. Kani Kusruti has provided the base for Preeti to take flight with her performance. Preeti Panigrahi has played the role of a teenage girl in her debut in such a way that it seems to be the work of a seasoned actress. Keshav Binoy has played the character of Sri very effortlessly, making the audience feel empathy for him till the end.
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Direction and writing
Girls Will Be Girls is written and directed by Shuchi Talati. Both the writing and directing are excellent. The sensitivity and realism with which he has shown teenage romance is worthy of praise. There are many scenes in the film that effortlessly highlight the issues of patriarchy, mother-daughter relationship and teenage love.
Girls Will Be Girls is a brilliant film that brings back memories of the 90s. This film is very simple and does not require any kind of coercion. The film moves at its slow but balanced pace and offers a seamless experience to the audience. This film should be counted among the top 5 films of the year and should not be ignored.
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